Let the tree continue to grow
Re: “Don’t let oak tree stand in way of housing,” letter, Sept. 10. It takes less than two years to build an apartment building with no...
Impacts Village Streetscape
I am writing to strongly protest the possible removal of the magnificent oak tree at 2326 Oak Bay Ave. Oak Bay has always been considered...
Part of My Childhood Memory
Dear Mayor and Councillors: I grew up in Oak Bay, living at 2133 Oak Bay Ave. from 1947 to 1970. I am utterly opposed to the removal of...
Garry Oak at high risk
Dear Council and Mayor: I am opposed to the 2326 Oak Bay Avenue development proposal as currently proposed for the following reasons: ...
Lost two big oaks on our street in recent times
Dear Major and Council, I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed development of above property. I am a long-time resident of...
Almost seven generations
To Oak Bay Council, I was astonished to learn that Advisory Design Panel and Advisory Planning Commission have already rubber-stamped the...
At the mercy of the developer
I oppose the proposal to build the 5 storey building, The Quest. In my opinion it is too large for the site, too close to neighbouring...
Maintaining the character of our village
We are firmly against the development of such a large structure in our village and outraged about the damage which is no doubt going to...
Too large for the property
This is to let you know that I am opposed to the proposed development at 2326 Oak Bay Ave. It is too large for the property, creates more...
Resubmit a proposal that complies with the OCP
Dear Council, As a long time resident of Oak Bay and one with a strong interest in retaining the unique character of the Municipality I...