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Garry Oak at high risk

Dear Council and Mayor: I am opposed to the 2326 Oak Bay Avenue development proposal as currently proposed for the following reasons: The Garry Oak located on the southwest corner of the property is a prime example of a mature Garry Oak that is in good health for it’s age.

[Ed. note: the Garry Oak is located on the adjacent property at 2340 Oak Bay Ave. ]

The tree is at high risk of not being able to withstand the proposed excavations and limbing, according to Oak Bay’s own arborist, Chris Paul. The tree is on the main thoroughfare of Oak Bay village and contributes to the character of the village’s namesake. Nearby, the Oak acorn art at the foot of municipal hall’s mature oaks signifies the importance of mature Garry Oak trees to the village’s atmosphere and heritage. Oak Bay has a Heritage Tree Bylaw that must be respected by all developers and especially by City Council whose role it is to protect Oak Bay’s character, which is defined by large Garry Oak trees. Replacement trees, regardless of the number planted, would take decades to grow to this size and stature, in addition, Oak Bay municipality has not undertaken an extensive Garry Oak planting program in the past that would anticipate occasional removal of mature Garry Oaks - instead undertaking to plant palm trees and other varieties requested by homeowners adjacent to city boulevards. As a result of this lack of foresight on the part of previous Councils, Oak Bay Council should now be extremely protective of any mature Garry Oaks such as this fine example in the heart of Oak Bay village. As a long term citizen of Oak Bay, I have seen too many large trees felled with little care for the impact on streetscapes or for the namesake and heritage values of our village. I oppose this development as proposed.




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