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In short, it is too big for its site.

Dear Mayor and Councillors --

Being a relatively close neighbour to the proposed "The Quest" development on Oak Bay Avenue, I am acutely aware of the pros and cons of the project.

In short, it is too big for its site. Its size and mass had been pointed out by council members at its first submission. Unfortunately, there have only been minimal changes since then and these have not materially mitigated its negative impacts to its immediate neighbours and surrounding neighbourhood. It will affect ground water, over-shadow neighbours, and will have destroy the significant Garry Oak on the adjoining property.

The project does not fulfil many of the OCP goals and mandates, and this site is much more suited to a smaller development which would respect its environs, perhaps a set of townhouses.

In addition, I am against giving spot zoning to such developments, as it will set a moral if not legal precedent, and encouragement to other poorly considered development proposals.

Finally, I have found the process for such developments to be poor, with little opportunity for public input at a project its more nascent stages. This project should have been deflected early, with clear expectations for smaller and more suitable project. As it is, letters such as this and short presentations to the Committee of the Whole at a late stage in the process is the public only means to influence this process.



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