Over-size Building on Relatively Small Lot
Dear Council Members,
As a resident of Oak Bay for over thirty years, I am dismayed and angered at the possibility that our elected council could give the green light to a proposal to erect an over-size building on the relatively small lot at 2326 Oak Bay Avenue. It is also beyond belief that to do so would sign the death warrant to the magnificent ancient Oak tree that stands there. This is simply unconscionable.
Therefore, I wish to add my voice to the very many residents who strongly urge that this proposal, as it stands, must NOT be allowed. Not only does it fly in the face of Oak Bay's Official Community Plan, it betrays the trust that voters have placed in our elected officials to serve the best interests of the community -- and not just those few with deep pockets and no regard for the integrity of this unique and beautiful neighbourhood we call home.
Please listen to our voices. Stand up for us. Show some leadership. Show some courage.