A Slippery Slope
Dear Mayor and Council Members: By now you will have received a number of communications regarding the Development Company, Large & Co., and their proposal to build a 5 story, 14 luxury Condo homes at the above address. This land is only a 10,588 square foot lot, and presently a single-family dwelling sits comfortably on the property. I can very much appreciate people's desire to live in Oak Bay, as I do. And for some, Condo living is either the only way to do so, a second home, or a revenue source. However, this desire should not be at all, and at any cost to Oak Bay's Environmental Influencers (it is a large, robust tree!) and Oak Bay City plans. To name just one objection to this gargantuan plan. A plan that will include prolonged and extensive blasting to a depth of 12 feet, right next to the roots of this life-giving, and aesthetically pleasing tree. In addition, it is my understanding that a large branch that overhangs the property will have to be sacrificed, chopped off, in order to facilitate the build. Arborist report that the removal of a large limb of a healthy tree may seriously reduce its ability to survive. This, coupled with the prolonged blasting, to a depth of 12 feet, at very close quarters, is like sounding the death knell for this tree. And for what? So that Large and Co. may build 14, instead of 10, or whatever number of Condos would fit on the site AND save the tree FOR CERTAIN. We cannot have Capitalism ruling every aspect of our lives, even down to having to choose between an Environmental Helper that is already very much in play. That is good for everybody; versus, a Building Project that will benefit those involved, the workers, those that live there and only those who will, we hope, eventually spent their money in Oak Bay. In closing, I will list from the Oak Bay Community Plan Objectives (OBCPO), by Reference Numbers only, the other ways that the Large & Co. Proposal would negatively impact the OBCPO. (2) (1) (4) (6) (2) Respect the privacy of adjacent buildings (2) Limit shadowing of ... adjacent buildings (4) (2) (1)
I moved here from Dunbar, in Vancouver. Dunbar Residents have a Plan, and they strictly adhere to that plan. About 5 years ago, Dunbar did a Citizen's Review of the Plan, as was mandated. It is a well-run organization, and they work very hard, democratically, on behalf of the citizens of Dunbar, for instance, to ensure that no builds higher than 3 stories happens. When I moved to Oak Bay, I felt that the OBPCO would afford me the same defences. I trust that I am not mistaken. If I am, I will be very disappointed to discover that the Oak Bay Council does not stand by its own values and words. Nor does it listen to the wishes of its greater, already studied, population of Oak Bay. That would be the mistake made by many past City Officials; any Resident desires their Representative be just that. To represent the desires of the majority, and Oak Bay has shown itself to be a forward looking entity. Therefore, we cannot compromise our ideals, no matter how big, or small. For if we do this time, it is just the start of a slippery slope for all the Corporate Lawyers to latch on to during the next Proposal Objection. Please stand firm.