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Standing as a sentinel for hundreds of years

Dear Council The proposed construction by Large & Co. at 2326 Oak Bay Avenue, demonstrates an insensitivity and disrespect for the character of the Oak Bay Municipality. The impact on the streetscape will be enormous. There will be minimal set backs at the frontage, impacting any landscape the could occur. The Garry Oak Tree has been standing as a sentinel for hundreds of years and any surrounding excavati

ng will be more than the 25% 'pruning budget' for an Oak Tree thus killing it. I would submit that in view of the fact that the Oak Tree has been an Oak Bay resident for hundreds of years it should take precedent over any new structure. At the very least that structure needs to show respect for the tree, surrounding buildings and community. That requires a thorough revision of the proposal with input from community members. Oak Bay Community Plan was designed to avoid these issues. As a very concerned citizen and tax payer who has lived in Oak Bay for 35 years I shall be watching the process closely . It is in Councils’ domain to see that the Proposal reflects and honours the Community Plan and thus respects concerned citizens. DO NOT LET THE PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION HAPPEN AT 2326 OAK BAY AVENUE. Yours Truly Wendy Cooper




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