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Irreparably damage or destroy [the] symbol of Oak Bay

Your Worship and Council,

We are writing you to present our opposition to the proposal “The Quest” at 2326 Oak Bay Avenue in its current form.

While recognizing that development can contribute not only to Oak Bay’s tax base but also to our growth as a community, Large & Company’s Quest proposal is contrary to our own Official Community Plan. Moreover, it will place at high risk a 200 year old Gary Oak. It is not without recognizing a certain irony that this proposal could irreparably damage or destroy that very distinct and ubiquitous symbol of Oak Bay, the Garry Oak tree.

We therefore highly recommend that you require the developer to reduce the footprint of the current proposal so that it is in keeping with our community plan.

We are confident that with your leadership Oak Bay can balance development and increased density with the need to preserve our distinct environment and identity.





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