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Preservation of Gifts of Nature

Hello. I am writing to express my opposition to the Quest condominium development proposed for 2326 Oak Bay Avenue. Although I am not a resident of Oak Bay, I live nearby and I work on Newport Avenue, thus passing by this address several times a week. I believe that the proposed development is too large, too high, and too close to adjacent buildings. However, more than that, I am concerned with the negative environmental impact, particularly that which pertains to the 200 year old Garry Oak which stands at the front of the property. In this age of global warming and all the tragedy that results, it is imperative that we preserve each and every tree we have. Not only do trees provide habitat for creatures but they also provide shade, climate moderation, and air cleansing.

Oak Bay is a unique municipality, blessed with many gifts of nature. The preservation of these gifts will be far more valuable in the future than yet one more massive structure of steel and concrete. I urge the Oak Bay Council to take a stand, put environmental considerations before economics, and demand that Large & Co., the developer of this project, modify their plans such that they comply with the Oak Bay Official Community Plan in order to preserve the character of this distinctive community.


Kathryn Rowe



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