Loss of green space and “condo creep”
Dear Oak Bay Council;
RE: Development at 2326 Oak Bay Avenue
I am very concerned about the amount of development being planned in Oak Bay and the negative effect it will have on the character of our neighbourhood. I am particularly concerned about the proposed redevelopment at 2326 Oak Bay Avenue. In addition to the continued loss of green space and “condo creep” spreading down the block, the height of the building, the narrow setbacks from the street and neighbour houses and the increase in density are all major problems this development presents.
I have lived in Oak Bay for over 17 years and find that this is one of the most beautiful areas on the Island. I hope the Council will continue to maintain the character of our community and support sensible development that does not exceed building limits and further decrease green space and diminish our natural environment.
I encourage you to support development that enhances the community by allowing for buildings to be well set back from the road thus allowing for large areas of green space and buildings that respect height limits. None of us chose to live in downtown Victoria and the character of the village is important to the residence.
Thank you for your consideration and for voting against this project.
Oak Bay Resident