Custodians of our planet?
I am a resident of Oak Bay, who for several years after retirement, conducted field inventories for the Victoria Natural History Society, respecting the native flora and fauna remaining within natural areas of many parts of Greater Victoria. With our changing climate and the anticipated related loss of many native species, being caused by that, we can ill-afford to lose any aspect of our urban forest that is well suited to our new climate that is to emerge. Gary Oak trees are such a species. I urge you not to squander the mature Gary Oak tree that is adjacent to the proposed development at 2326 Oak Bay Avenue. Surely developers must be held fully environmentally responsible here in Oak Bay, even of plans must be changed to ensure that tree is protected with no damage to its future survivability. If that is not the result of this appeal, I shall formally and publicly surrender the Oak Leaf pin that the mayor once presented to me. Biodiversity must be maintained to counteract the severe ravages of a profit driven society. As an environmentalist, I am deeply struck by the unfitness of my fellow human beings to the claim of being custodians of our planet. Please act to demonstrate that Oak Bay is a fit custodian of nature here.
Norman Mogensen