Our Concerns
Concerns about the Quest August/2023 The Quest does not supply the housing Oak Bay needs or the province is mandating. The OCP mandates...
Oak Bay Council met on September 11th and decided to refer the Quest to a public hearing. The earliest date would be October 10th. There will be a notice in the newspaper. The public was not allowed to speak at the Council meeting.
The public hearing in October will be the only opportunity in the entire process that the public has to speak. If anyone knows if other jurisdictions have similar rules denying public comment until the very end of the process please let us know. It seems to us to be a very flawed process.
The developer will have its supporters out in full force. It is important that those who have informed themselves of the facts and know how harmful this development will be to the neighbours, streetscape and as a precedent for the infill housing to come also turn up and make their voices heard.